
Thursday, 20 December 2018


I will put my hotel in the Arctic and for this we had to put the hotel thst we want and i want to put my hotel in the Arctic and i want to put it there because it will look cool and people will like that it is in some were cold and it will be cool and i like it and it will look cool and people will come in and say why and you making a hotel here it cool l ike it it cold out there and it nice andhot in this hotel and then i will let people come in wen every they want to come in.

Current Events

THis week we had to blog this for this we had to do this and the nma for this is Current Events and we had to get something for there link and for this we had to pick something and then we had to wrtie thing about it this is my one for this we had to get this then we had to write the thing down and then we had to blog the work and then we were all done.


My favourite food is Pancakes
How to make some Pancakes

Whisk 1 1/2 cups flour, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in a medium bowl. Whisk 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk, 4 tablespoons melted butter and 1 egg in a separate bowl; fold into the flour mixture until just combined

This week we did this for this we had to tell the best food that you like and the one that i like was pancakes and for it i have to tell you how to make them look and then and it will tell you how to make some pancakes.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

basic facts

This week we did basic facts for basic facts we had to do this and then we had to blog the work and then we were done.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Sir Edmund Hillary

Today i am going to talk about Sir Edmund Hillary

  1. :What kind of a adventures does he go on?
  2. What does he do in his life?
  3. What does he eat?
  4. what places does he go to?
  5. What does he like to do all the time?
There are my 5 and they are cool and i like them this is my five questionsand they are good one and they have to be about his lofe and all of them are about his life and what he eat and what places he go to and there is five and that what we had to do.

The WWF:World Wildlife Fund

Today i going to talk about World Wildlife Fund.
Image result for TigerAnd i had to watch two video for the video we had to wtach them nad then we had to talk about the video about the and the animal I am talking about is a tigers tiger are animal that have to hunt down food for them and there family and they hunt food for them and they are hunter they just don,t tell there baby to go and get food or they will just get killed and that why they get the dad or mum to go and get the food.


Image result for lizardsDOC help thing that run around that the name of them are lizards and they are thing that and can chage colur and itn cool when you can chage colur Doc help lizards to make theat they have good food and they do not die they are cool and i wish that i can see what they look like.


Image result for Beast
This week we had to do this for this we had to get a Fantastic Beast this is my Beast for this i had to get a Beast and i chose this Beast and for this Beast we had to write a blog about him then i had to blog the work.


Image result for how much water do you need for your cactus in one year
This week we did this for this we had to tell aobut how you did you now that cactus go a life up to lot of year and that is a lot thew number is 1095 and this is the number and for this we had to make a blog post for it and then we were done.

Rosa Parks

This week we i did this for this i had to do a name of a person i did was Rosa parks.For Rosa Parks i did write for the write and i chose her she is cool and i like it it in in my cool show tht i like and for this we had to do some side i did 3 and we had to then get a number and then when i got call up i had to tell them about who i did and then we had to get it done and then we can make it cool and then we had to blog the work that we had did and we had to get the side and then put in on the the blog and then we were done.

Fabulous Ferns

Image result for All Blacks t-shirtImage result for the black ferns t-shirt Image result for soccer team
For this we had to get three them and there are my team i like there team they look cool the name of them are the all black and a soccer team and one more theam for this we had to get this and we had to get one for each and we had to then get all of this on google and for this we had to write down are the team that we got and i think that i got good and cool team i like the team that i got and then i had to blog the work.

The giant tree

This week we did this for this i want to go and see this and see what it look like in the ptoho it look relly good and it cool i want to see it and i want to see it in real life it look relly cool and i want to go and see it in real life and then we had to then write why we want to see it i want to see it it look relly cool l like it.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Ice Ice Baby

The be safe on the internet you need to not talk to other people do not get pay money when someone tell you to do then they will tell you what to do and you do not talk to them like if they say come to my house i got something for you you can say no and then they will go away and they will not come back and talk to you but just now don,t talk to people that you do not know.


Thing that l like about NZ.
I like the shop and i like the movie and l like lot about nz it is the best i like every thing about nz.i like how they do Christmas Parades they are relly cool i like somuch about nz it is a cool place where you can buy what every you want i like it it give you lot of thing for money you i lke the shop they give you lot of nice thing they give you lot of thing that they give you like anything you want i mean what you want to can go ad buy it but when it get lod they start to shutdown.

My top three favorite facts about NZ

LI: to learn more about NZ.
Today i am going to talk about three facts that l like about NZ.
We had to do facts about nz and you had to get three and we had to go on a site and we had to try and get 3 and we had to go on to the site and the we had to cope the work down on the blog and then we had to do all three and then we had to get them and then we had to blog them by puting them all no the blog one by one and then we had to get them all on the blog then we were done.

  • New Zealand was once governed as part of the territory of New South Wales and later a part of Australia.
  •  It is one of the three countries in the world that has two official national anthems of equal standing.  The first is God Save the Queen and the other is God Defend New Zealand.
  •  New Zealanders are also called kiwis but kiwi is not a fruit. It is New Zealand’s native flightless bird.Summer leran

Friday, 14 December 2018

Twas The night before Christmas

This week for Writing we did this week to watch a song and then we had to do it in the word that we did this is my one and for this we had to do this and we had to write a rhyme about Christmas and this is my rhyme  for this we had to do 4 in a row and we had to do them in one and i did 16 sentences and for this we had to make sentences for the rhyme and we had to make how many line we want to make and i did 16 that is a lot of line and then we had to get in done and then we can blog the work and we will be done.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

blog post commeting

This week we did this for reading and we had to do this if we had done the book and we had to pick someone and we had to do a commet on them and we had to do it for all of them and then we had to do them and it took like 10 20 min and that was long and then i had to et it done so i went faster and then i got it done and then i went on to blogger and then i blog the work and then i was all done and then i had to put it on.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018


This week we had Maori for Maori we had to make a cope of this and we had to get the word that are not in the Maori and for this we had to go on google maps and we had to type what the word were then we had to type all of them in and then we had to get the word and i got all of them and then i was done so i blog my work and then i was all done.

kiwi can

Today we went to kiwi Can we did 3 game we did 3 it was fun week that why and we had one round ever game but for the last game we did 2 and the name for the game were octopus and invisible rugby and 10 second tag and they were he game that we play that why we had one round for two of them and 2 round for the last one the last one was octopus and it that game we had to make it to the other side and not get tag and there were two tager and for invisible rugby we had to get into a team and it was boy vs girl the girl did not win and the boy did and then we had to do this game and the game we play first was 10 second tag for 10 second tag we had to get away when the person try to tag them it how many mis and i was in the 3 or 2 to last and i then got tag and then we did gkq and then we went back to class and then we went to blogger and then we had to blog the work and then we were all done and then we had to do something our.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018


we had to do this and we had to do this when we read some of the book we had to write and this is my Sequence of events and for this i had to do this and for this when i read some book and i had to write some work ad i had to d oit every time we had to do and new one and we had to do the same book and then we had to do this the book that i pick was Fantastic Mr Fox i like it and i told people that i pick it and they said that it was a cool book.

describe a setting

some week ago like 6,7 week ago we did this for this we had to get photo of dog and bunny haveing dinner but not with each other you can do that if you want to but i did not i did them not together and i did then and for this i had to write down thing about what animals eat and this is them haveing a dinner i had to do this it was in the book and i had to write it down and them i was done so i had to blog the work.


week ago we did this for this we had to go on google and we had to do this and for this we had to go on to google and we had to make that we did it adn for it we had to blog the work when we were done but i was not done i had to do 8 and this was one of them i did this one 3 to last and this one it not that good and i had to do it last and then i was done so i had to go on to blogger and themn i had to blog the work that i did and then i was done.

Friday, 7 December 2018


This week i did a commet on akuhata and i said that he need a bigger blurb and i like how he was being dead but he was not dead and then when i was done i went on to blogger and then i blog my work and then i was done.


This week we did boxing and it was the last time that we did boxing and we did lot and we had to do what we did in the hall.And for this we had to get a photo and we had to do some boxing thing and we had to do lot of thing before we we did the photo and we had to do lot and we did some combo and they were cool i like them and then i was done and then i had to blog the work.

Rosa parks

For inquiry we had to do a research on some one. i researched rosa parks.Rosa parks famous for sitting were no black people were allowed and she was happy that she did not have to do what people told her to do so she wnt to jail.pick her because she a nice woman and i know her from a show that i watch a lot and then i had to do a google doc and i had to do how she came famous .And this is the link to my work.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Horton hears a who

This week we had to do 3 this time and for this we had to do all 3 of them we did this one first and then we had to do all of them and for this we had to do them and we had to do lot of information about the movie and the movie was cool and we had to tell about the book and we and to do all of them we did one on Tuesday and we did the other today and we got told that we had to try and blog it today and then we were going to blog the work and this is all of mind and i had to do them all and then i had to blog the work and then i was all done.

Steampunk Art

This week we did Steampunk Art and for Steampunk Art we had to do this we went up stais and we had to try and make this and i did 3 of this one and i did lot of the other side and then we had to do this and then when someone come and totch it they will die and then the fish went to just go away and everone will just die till some one stop going by it and there will kill you if you come nere it and it will not be nie when it kill you and oyu will not want to be kill in the sea rand that is not cool and then i had to blog the work.


This week we did cybersmart we had to do this and we had to do this and we had to writie what we need and we had to we had to write and we did not need so we did this and we had to get some of use work and we had to get one this one was mind i got my big one that was on my blog and then we had to write down on the work what we do need and what we don,t need and then we had to blog the work and then we were done.


This week for Maori we had to do this we had to do this with no one use and then we had to do there word and we had to then write the word tht we thing is there and then we had to blog the work and then we were all done.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

basic facts

This week we had to do this and this was my basic facts boxs and for this we had to go and dp this when we had done we had to blog the work.

SSR selfie

This week we did  SSR selfie we did this and this was my book i like this book it was cool and i like that it was cool and how it was nice to read it was a good book for me to read i just want to read the book again and agian that just how cool the book is and that why when i had done and had to blog my work.

novel study

Character web
Venn diagram characters
10 Word
5 questions
Describe setting
LI; attached to each comprehension task.
This week we had to do this and we had to finsh this and so then i did all of this because these were my last ones and we had to blog the last one that you did.Then we had to do all of this i did them one by one and then we had to do this and then we had to do them all. And then we were had to do all of them and we had to do this and then we had to do all of them and then we had to do them and then we had to do all of them and we had to write something and then we were done we had to do this thing and we had to do this hole thing.And we had to get all of the work on the draw and then we had to blog the work and then we were done.Link

Monday, 3 December 2018

Place Value

LI: to identify the values of individual numerals.
This week for math i did this i had to do this poster and on this we had number for the munber we had to put it on something and we had to do this and we had to 11 number 9 10 and 11 were the hard number and that why i did the hard number and then i went to the easy numbers and they were not hard and then we had to do then we had to blog it and then we were done so we can go and do something our.

Friday, 30 November 2018


This week i did a commenting on jarome and this is it and then i had to go on to blogger and then blog the work.

SSR selfie

This week we did SSR selfie and i did this book and then i was done o i went on to bogger and blog my work.