L.I To Write about Rube Gold Berg Machines
This week we did inquiry and we had to get in to a group and in that group we had to make a slide and then we had to share i with your group we had to then start working and e had to do something that we wanted to do and then we had to do it and then we had to show the teacher our work sometimes and then he will say if the work is good and then we had to show it and then we had to get in to a group and we had to try and make the group good we had to make the slide and then we had to write about rube Goldberg and we had to make a slide about him and we had to ask questions and then we had to write what we did at the bottom and then we had to blog the work.
I was in Year 6 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I was in Learning Space 1 and my teachers were Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
kiwi can
L.I to understand our emotions
This week we went to kiwi can and we went there to play two games and we had to do it.we had to go and then we had to do the first game put in order and we got a word and we had to try and put the same word next to each other but first we had to find the other people that had to wordsthat where like ours and then we had to put them to then we had to do the next game and we had to start it we had to try and act playes that we got told to do and then we had to try and doit we got put in to groups and then we had to go back ot class after the act and then we had to blog the work.
kiwi can
Friday, 2 August 2019
L.I to make a persuasive speech.
This week we did writing and we had to doc and then we had to show the teacher what we did and then he will give us feedback and then we have to go and fix what we did wrong and then we had to do the other ones and then we had to blog it and after that we had to do it and then we had to show the teacher it before we blog it and if he said bog it you are done.
Basic Facts Boxes
This week we did Basic Facts Boxes and we had to do and we had to do it and we had to then blog the work.
Basic Facts Boxes
L.I to learn how to be safe in the water
This week we did swimming and we had to go there and then we had to go there and we had to learn how to swim we had to go in the group that do not no how to swim and we had to go in it and then we got to do things we had to go under the water and we had to get a toy that was under there and then we had to go down and go get it and we had to learn how to go under the water and how to be safe in water and that we had to go there and learn not for fun we got there to learn how to swim then we had to go back to the class.
This week we did swimming and we had to go there and then we had to go there and we had to learn how to swim we had to go in the group that do not no how to swim and we had to go in it and then we got to do things we had to go under the water and we had to get a toy that was under there and then we had to go down and go get it and we had to learn how to go under the water and how to be safe in water and that we had to go there and learn not for fun we got there to learn how to swim then we had to go back to the class.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
LI: to identify the main ideas of a text
This week we did Reading and we did this and it was a slide and we had to go on it and we had to do some side and then we had to try and write and then we had to make this and we had to do it today and we had to start it on Monday and we had to try and get it done and after that we had to blog that after we did and then we had to make it and then we were done and then we had to put all five of them on our blog and then we had to make the blog post .
L.I:To manage finances and profit by creating with maths.
This week we did Maths and we got to chose what we did and we did fractions of set and we had to do fraction on our work we had to do fraction basic facts game because our other group did fraction of set and we had to do this and we had to do wip and we had to tell the teacher what we were going to do we got to pay for a time when the teacher tell us about fraction of sets and we got to pick what we wanted to do what was up there we had to do this and we did wip because that means that we have not done it but we are doing it soon and we had to talk about fraction of set and they when there is something that is together and you have to try and see what we did and you have to see how many are in the group and you have to count them up and then put them in to a fraction and then your done.
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I we had to go to kiwi can and learn about it
This week we went to kiwi can and we had to go there and we played two game and the first one we played was who do you feel and we had to do lots of thing and we had to hold our breath and then we had to do lots of more thing and then we had to start and after that we had to talk to them and then we had to talk to them and then we had to go on to the next game and then after we had to act and we had to do something as our act and then we did GKQ and then we did the point and then we had to go back to class and then we had to eat our food when the bell rang.
kiwi can
Mind Lab
L.I to learn about what we were doing this term.
This week we went the motat and we went there on a school trip and we had to pay 5 dollar and we went there because we had to learn about that because we will be doing it this term and we had to eat some food and after that we had to get in to group and we had to go look around in our free time when we were,t doing anything and then we got to look at place and go in them and we went around till we had to o and eat our lunch and then we had to stay when the other two class that were with each other went and had a look around.
we had to first make some cars and we had to get a partner and then we had to go off and we had to a start and make a car and we had to try and make it go and we had to make it in those partner and then we had to try it out to see of it will work and it did but some people did not make it up to try the cars but i did and i had to try and get it to move and the fan had to push it frond and then we got 30 mins to do it and my partner was the teacher that was with the year 6 and we had to try and make a car that can move and then after the 30 mins we had to go and do what the year 5 where doing and then we got up and went over there.
Then we went over there we had to make a flashlight and we ha to get in to a little group of 3 and then we had to make it and we had to build a tower or a build and then we had to put the light on it but before that we had to try and get it to turn on and then that when we had to build and we had to put it on top of the place that we build and then we got 30 min just like in the other group that why we had to swap over at the same time and then we that was done we had to go back to the middle.
then we had to say thanks to the people that let us come here and the people who pay and the people who took us there we had to thank our mum and dad and the teacher for them to take us and pay for the trip.
This week we went the motat and we went there on a school trip and we had to pay 5 dollar and we went there because we had to learn about that because we will be doing it this term and we had to eat some food and after that we had to get in to group and we had to go look around in our free time when we were,t doing anything and then we got to look at place and go in them and we went around till we had to o and eat our lunch and then we had to stay when the other two class that were with each other went and had a look around.
we had to first make some cars and we had to get a partner and then we had to go off and we had to a start and make a car and we had to try and make it go and we had to make it in those partner and then we had to try it out to see of it will work and it did but some people did not make it up to try the cars but i did and i had to try and get it to move and the fan had to push it frond and then we got 30 mins to do it and my partner was the teacher that was with the year 6 and we had to try and make a car that can move and then after the 30 mins we had to go and do what the year 5 where doing and then we got up and went over there.
Then we went over there we had to make a flashlight and we ha to get in to a little group of 3 and then we had to make it and we had to build a tower or a build and then we had to put the light on it but before that we had to try and get it to turn on and then that when we had to build and we had to put it on top of the place that we build and then we got 30 min just like in the other group that why we had to swap over at the same time and then we that was done we had to go back to the middle.
then we had to say thanks to the people that let us come here and the people who pay and the people who took us there we had to thank our mum and dad and the teacher for them to take us and pay for the trip.
This week we did Cybersmart and we had to make a slide and we had to copy work from the site and then we had to show the teacher and we had to write the works before we show the teacher and if he said go and blog your work we had to go and blog the work that we had to do and then we had to highlight the words.
Friday, 26 July 2019
This week we did commenting and then we had to blog it. and we got to chose who we did it on and then we were done.
SSR Selfe
This week we did SSR Selfie and we had to do a book and we got to chose what book we did and the we had to do a blog post about it and then we where done
SSR selfie
basic facts boxes
This week we did basic facts boxes and we had to do them and then we had to do a blog post about it then we done.
Basic Facts Boxes
This week we went to swimming and we went there to learn how to swim and we got there to learn how to swim and we had to start to go in the pool and then we had to jump in and then we had to learn how to swim and then we had to try and go to the other side and then we had to try and swim but i did not do good cause i can,t swim so i go there so that i can learn how to do it and then we had to try and go to the other side and then when we got out we had to go out of the pool and then #and then we went back to school.
This week we did writing and for writing we did Persuasive and for that that mean that you like something lots but you friends don,t and then you yell at each other and we had to do this and we had to write what Persuasive is and then we had to do this and draw people and they have to talk and they say that they are right and they have to get the other person to get on his site and we had to do this and then do a blog post about it.
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
L.I to earn and look after money by creating with maths
This week we had to do maths and we had to do money and we had to make this copy of a work and we got 50 at the start but then we had to start to pay thing off for where we were sitting and we had to pay the rent and we had to get money taken off us if we did something bad that we should of not done and then we had to do this and then we had to do this and we had to pay every week and we got to get something that we wanted to get and then we had to tell people what we did on the blog post.
This week we had to do maths and we had to do money and we had to make this copy of a work and we got 50 at the start but then we had to start to pay thing off for where we were sitting and we had to pay the rent and we had to get money taken off us if we did something bad that we should of not done and then we had to do this and then we had to do this and we had to pay every week and we got to get something that we wanted to get and then we had to tell people what we did on the blog post.
Kiwi Can
This week we went to kiwi can and we went there to play a game and we had to do a emotion and we had three people in our group and we had to act what we did and we had to do it in front of the people in the class and then we had to sit down and we had to talk about what we learn from kiwi can and what we did and then we had to go on to the next game after and then we had to start to play the game and we had to do go and we got told to do something and then we had to look at the person and he had to try and guess what we were doing and everybody and then they had to try and thing what o guess and then we went to play gkq and we did 4 people at a time and then we got back to class and then we made a blog post.
kiwi can
This week we went to the hall to do Duffy and they did a play for us and we had to watch the show and it was fun and really cool and we had to watch the show and then at the end we had to say thanks but only two people did it but we got to watch it and it was fun but then they told us about what they were going to do and we did some things at the start and then they start the show the bit i liked was when the lady pull the chair from under him and when the green person and then he can and mix up the words that they had to make and then they said thanks and then we went back to class.
Duffy Theatre
Friday, 5 July 2019
This week we did commenting and we got to do it on who we chose and you had to pick on of their work and you have to say good thing about them and we got to ask something what w want to ask and then we had to make a blog post about it.
This week we had to do mixed problems and we had to make this slide and then we had to show the teacher our work and w had to do a presentation in from of Mr Wong Math group and we had to stay in till all of the people that had to do presentation had to try and do it and then we got to go out and i had to do it last and we had to go to the dive and we had to get this link and this will take you to Mr Wong Math groups videos.
LI- To write a narrative in the form of a play.
In partner or groups of 3 we had to make and we had to start the play and we had to do part and we got to chose what we want and two of group had to have 3 people in them and we had to do a play and then we got 3 to 4 week to do it and w had to show the teacher our work when we add some more information and we had to put in together when we were on the last week and then we had to make a blog post about what we had to do.
In partner or groups of 3 we had to make and we had to start the play and we had to do part and we got to chose what we want and two of group had to have 3 people in them and we had to do a play and then we got 3 to 4 week to do it and w had to show the teacher our work when we add some more information and we had to put in together when we were on the last week and then we had to make a blog post about what we had to do.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Basic Facts Boxes
This week we did Basic Facts Boxes and we had to do them and we had to show the teacher after we did them and see if he think that they are good.
Basic Facts Boxes
This week we had to do Inquiry and we had to make this and we had to show the teacher our work and we had to do it to the class and we had to say what we had write down and we had to say it when we went to the other side and we had to make it before we show it and it took us long time and then we got to send it to the teacher and then we had to do something so that we can see who goes first and then we had to show the class and we had to talk about what we did and then we had to get feedback and then we had to blog the work.
This week we did Reading and we had to and we had to blog this and we had to do this with a partner from the other group and we got to pick who we want to be with and then we had to make this and we had to start the slide after making the sticks and the 5 star but they were not real star they were something else and we had to blog this after we show the work to the teacher and five mins before we had to go out for lunch and then the teacher told us to blog it but me and my partner and we had to blog this some other day.
This week we did Maori and we had to do Maori and then we had to show the teacher what we did for our work and then we had to show her.and we had to do what we pick and what we like.
Kiwi Can
This week we did Kiwi Can and we went there and we won so that we got to pick what we want to play we had to play go home and stay home and the other game that we played and we went there after the year fives and then we got to chose what game we want to play and we pick mostly go home and stay home and the other game and we went out side to play them and we had fun i got to be the first tagger and i really wanted to be it because i like to play tag and then we had to go on to the other game and it was octopus and we played that and e had to try and run to the other side and then we had like 2 to 3 game and then we had to go back to class after they said it was time to go back to class and i had lots of fun.
kiwi can
Friday, 28 June 2019
This week we did commenting and we had to do commenting and we got to pick someone that we did the commenting on and the and then we had to do it and then we had to blog the commenting that we did.
This week we did Inquiry and we had to do earth and we had to pick a plant and i pick earth i pick it because it has people living on it and that mean that the other are good and we had to pick what we want and then we had to blog it and we had to blog it after we did the the earth poster and we had to show the teacher our work and then we had to blog the work.
This we did Writing and we had to do this for the other reading group and we had to make them and the other group and the other group had to make it and then we had to make it so that we can blog it and we had to do it and then we had to blog the post that we did and we had to make this and we had to show the teacher what we did so far and then we had to go back and sit down and then we had to go and blog it.
Kiwi Sports
This we went to kiwi sports and we went there to do some gymnastics and e got to do some cool active and we went there to do thing that we have,t done but them we got to do some new stuff that we had not done and it was fun when we got to go on the one that i really like to go on and it was fun and we got to go on the same things that we did every week and we had to go and we had to swap at time and first we had to do some active and we did them and a group and we had to play a game to get warm up and we got to play it before we started to do the gymnastics and then we had to swap like every 10 to 15 mins and then we had to go on to the next one and then we had to first and then we had to go back to class.
Kiwi Sport
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
basic facts
This week we did basic facts and we had to do this and we had to do this and then we had to do this and we had to to basic facts boxes and we had to make it and then we had to blog the basic facts boxer that we did.
basic facts
LI- To Build Vocabulary
LI- To Skim and Scan
LI- To Make connections
This week we did Reading and we had to make a another place mat and we had to do it so that we can do a book that we have,t done yet and we had to do this after last week and last week is when we had a book called veges oil and that was the book that we had to do all of this on last week and now we have to do it now just with a different book and the book that we are doing now is water power we got the book from some other group after we did this.
Kiwi Can
L.I. to use trust and reliability.
This week we went to kiwi can and we went there and we learn and we went there to play and learn how to be a good person and we had to go in and then she talk to us and then we got to play the game and it was snap and there was not much people there were 8 people at kiwi can and then one other person came in and then we got to talk about what is something and then we had to talk about it for like mins and then we got on to the next game and then the game was trust me and we had to try and trust our partner and then we had to go back to class.
This week we went to kiwi can and we went there and we learn and we went there to play and learn how to be a good person and we had to go in and then she talk to us and then we got to play the game and it was snap and there was not much people there were 8 people at kiwi can and then one other person came in and then we got to talk about what is something and then we had to talk about it for like mins and then we got on to the next game and then the game was trust me and we had to try and trust our partner and then we had to go back to class.
kiwi can,
SSR Selfie
This week we did SSR selfie and we went to the Library and we got to pick a book and we had to do a SSR selfie on it and we got to pick what book we want to pick there were lots of book to pick from and i pick something that i really want and i got to pick the book that i really want to have.
SSR selfie
L.I to learn African Drumming
Johnny from rhythm interactive taught us four rhythms on the djembe.Johnny taught us by singing and clapping the rhythms for us to copy.one of the call and return turn was 'i like chocolate cake'so do I.Jonny teaches a message to children.That message is that 'together,we can mole a change.
i learn how to drum and i like it and i really enjoys it but my hand really hurt when i was hitting the drums and then i got sort and really tried when i did it it was tired when we had to do the hard bit.
Friday, 21 June 2019
SSR Selfie
This week we did SSR Selfie and we had to make it and we had to get a book and we had to make a copy of it and then we had to write about what was in the book and we had to do that and then we had to blog it.
SSR selfie
This week we did commenting and we had to do a commenting and we had to do it on a person that we chose.
basic facts
this week we did basic facts and we had to do this and then we had to blog the work and we had to make it and then we had to blog the work that we did of the basic facts boxes.
basic facts
This week we had to do Reading and we had to do all of them and the one i had to do are these one and we had to do all of this by you self and you had to do all the same work and we had to do all of this and WIP is when you have not done it and not done and you had to do this and you had to blog the work that you did and we had to do all of the three that we did and we had to do wip if we had not done it and we had to do and we had to blog all of them and then we had to make a blog post.
Zoo blog Post
This week we went to the zoo and we went there to see all of the places that animals are in they had different contrary that animals were in and they got to see all of the animals that live in the lace we went to there were like 6 different contrary to go to that had lots of animals and we went there to see all of the animals i have been to the zoo before with my family and i really like it and then we had to see all of the animals and we had to do a blog post when we got back and we had to do it about the zoo and we had to to do what we did.
We had to go there and we had to see all of the animals that were there and we had to go around and look at the animals we did not get the see all of the animals we got to start to go around and then we had to stop and had to go back to the place that we said we were going to meet and we had to meet at 1.45 and then we had to go back when it true 1.45.
we had to look at the animals and we got to touch something of theirs and we had to see all of them we got to see the one that i like the photos i got are some of the animals that i saw and there were really cool to see all of the cool animals that i really like to see.
This week for maths we did Decimals and for that we had to do Decimals and we had to do this so that we can we can get the work done and we had to do this with nobody else and we had to make this and we had to first it and then we had to blog it we had to name it Decimals because that hat we had to do and we had to do them in ones and tens and Hundreds we had to do it and then we had to show the teacher our work.
decimals is adding a spot and you had to do this and you have to do numbers and you had to do a dot when you have done the first number that you did had to e first and then you did a dot and then you did the other numbers and the number and to be first and the others numbers had to be after you did the dot after the first number is when you do the dot.
decimals is adding a spot and you had to do this and you have to do numbers and you had to do a dot when you have done the first number that you did had to e first and then you did a dot and then you did the other numbers and the number and to be first and the others numbers had to be after you did the dot after the first number is when you do the dot.
This week we did a Dialogue for writing and we had to go on this phone site and we had to talk to each other and we had to talk and ask thing about the play that we did and we had to ask do you like bee and the bee man had to say yes and we had to talk about it with the were texting each other what they did and we had to say get this that this and that and we had to do it on the same computer and you had to show the teacher what you did and he would say yes or no to what you show him you can,t do it on the same phone or it get to big you have to get more site and do it on there just keep on going not restarting it.
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