
Friday, 29 March 2019


This week we had to do commenting we had to do commenting on someone that we pick we got to pick the person that we wanted to pick and then we had to blog the commenting and then we were done.

basic facts

This week we had to do basic facts and we had to make one and i make one and we had to get it done adn then we had to blog it.

SSR selfie

This week we had to do SSR selfie for SSR selfie we had to make this and we had to do it and i did one about crocodile and crocodile are thing that are good and then we had to blog it and it is called SSR Silfie.


L.I to write a peom with no one else.
This week we had to do inquiry and we had to make it and we had to make it so that we had to make a peom and you have to make one that you wanted to make and then they had to make it and for that you had to make it one one had to help you you had to make it with no one else and then we had to make it and then we had to show the class and then they did tihng and then we hd to blog the work and then we were done.

Thursday, 28 March 2019


L.I we had to make a recount about kiwi sports
This week we did Writing for Writing we had to make a recount for the recount we had to make one about kiwi sport,kiwi can or Muisc and we had to make it and then we had to make it and then we had to go and we had to do the other person changes and then we had to make more and more and we had to tell the teacher how many we wanted to do but if we want to do more he said you can and then we had to make it and then we had to make it and then we were done.


LI: to unlock Keywords to summarise a text
This week we did Reading for Reading we had to make a curent events with the teaher that we were with and then we had to start it and then this is the one that i did and then we had to a doc with mr ogive and he told us that we were not alone more that thriy and then we make it we ha dto do key word and for that we had to put the keyword under that book that we did and then we had to do it under the page and then we had to get it done and then blog it.


This week we went to Muisc for Muisc we went there and the teacher that was with us told 6 of to go on the thing and we got to pla what we like and we went there and we had to pay it how ever we like and then we got it of we got 30 mins and then we and then we got to go on one of the other thing and there were over the floor and there were all on the tables and then we went to play the one of the floor and then we went back to class.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Kiwi Can

L.I We learn about a new thing it s friendship
This week we went to kiwi can.This week we went and we had two games they were secret cards and the oother one was the last man standing.we went there and the first game we played was the last man standing and for that when you go your name called out you had to go and you had to tag people and then we had to stop when they said stop and when they had o move again had to move out of the game and then we went on to the next game.The next game we played was secret cards and for secret cards we had to get a card and we had to put in under the good one or the bad one and then we had to make it and then we had to go back to class.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019


L.I To Learn something about class or school using Statisttics
This week we did math we went to math and we had to do whats is your favourite spot to sit and rest?There are spot at the top to tell you were some people like to sit at times and you had to tell people what to do and what they had to do everybody and we had to make this so we can make it and we had to make it and we had to add it to the google froms and you had to make it and then you were done and then you had to blog it.

Friday, 22 March 2019


This week we had to do commenting we had to do a commet on someone that we chose and i did one on acein and it was about his red ranger.

SSR selfie

This week we did SSR selfie we had to get a book and we had to go on to SSR selfie and for that you have to get a book and you have to talk about it.


L.I TO do a poem and to do a Rhyme
This week for inquiry we went and we had to do Rhyme. Then week we had to get in to a gourp and we had to do this on papper and then we had to make this and then we had to make a cope of the google doc and then we had to try and reamber that what the teacher show us on the tv and then we had make it and then we were had to blog it.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Ki O Rahi

This was the last time that we went to Ki O Rahi and we got a photo for it and we all had a photo and we had to go and then we went to Ki O Rahi and we went to Ki O Rahi for the last leson that we had to do.And we had more rounds and we went to and we had to start the game and we got to pick a team and we got what team we wanted and i pick yellow and for the yellow team we had rounds and then we had to swap over and then we got the photo and we had to say words and then we went back to class.


This week we went up stair to do art for that we went up stair and then we went had we had to get a set and we had to start to do what the teacher told us to do and this is the first one tha i had to do and their is a nothere one and we did a had do a apple for botten of them and i had to do it by my self and then we had to start and then we went back down stair and then we were done.

basic facts

This week we did basic facts boxes we had to make a thing and we had to make it and then we had to make a thing andwe had to amke this and w ehad to get it done.

Kiwi Can

This week we went to kiwi Can for  kiwi Can we ahd to paly two games.They were called corn,fox and chicken and the other game was called guess the password and the first game that we played was guess the password for that you had to stand on a hola hop and you had to try and get to Password and if you went on one that is wrong you had to go and the next person will go up and we had to learn about the new one that we did and then the other game that we haf do to do was corn,fox and chicken the chicken was no alone to be with the corn and the fox was not alone to be with the chicken this is how you had to do it you had to get the chicken to the other side and then you had to take the corn and then yuohad to take the chicken back and then you had take the fox to the other side and then you had to go back and get the chicken and then you had to take the chicken there.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019


L.I we had to add word to thing
This week for Writing we had make a recount and then we had to pick a one of the thing and then we had to get it done and we had to add word to it and we had to try and make it better and then we had
to make it best we can.Then we had to make it and then w ehad to get it done and then w ehad to make it better and better and then we had to blog it and then we were done.


L.I We had to learn about the St. Patrick Day
This week we did Summarising and for that we had to go on to kiwikids news and we had to find something that had lot of work ad then we had to put in in the doc that we made i did  St. Patrick and for tat we had to do keyword that were in thr story and then we had to go to the botten and we had to and then we had to start and then we had to lear about it and then we had to do a Summarising and then we had to start and then we were done.

Place Value

LI: to shift between place values using multiplication.

This week we did place value for place value we had to make a sheet And place value mean that when you are puting number when were they are and this is a exsplan and if you had 45 the 5 are the ones and the 4 is the tens.And we had to make this to show people what Place Value mean and we had to make it for math and we had to make it in Place Value and we had to tell poeple about Place Value and what Place Value means.

Friday, 15 March 2019


This week we did commenting for that we had to do a comment on someone and then we had to blog on someone work.

Steven Adams

This week we had to do Reading and this is what we had to do and we had to make a side and we had to talk about Steven Adams and we had to make it and we had to make it and w eha dto make it and we had to pick a person and i pick Steven Adams he is a basketball and he play in lot of place we ha dto make this about him and we had to make this and then we had to blog it and we had we had to make and then we had to blog the work.

basic facts

this week we had to do this we had to make a basic facts and then we ahd to get it done.


This week for Muisc we had to go and we had to start to go and we had to start to make it and then we went and we had to play some Muisc and then we got to use what we wanted to use and then we can do what we want to And then we had to go in and we got o pick one that we wanted and then we had to go and start to do the Muisc and then we had to chage what we wer used and then we got to pick something ours and then we wnet back to class.

SSR selfie

This week we did SSR selfie for that we had to make one and we had to get a book and we had to put it on there and we had to talk about the book and who dogman and how he became dogman and that what we had to do.


This week for writing we had to do a word and we pick said we had to do word that are like said but they are not siad and then we had to get it to a group with other people that did the same thing as us and then we had to make it and then we had to do word and then we  put 70 word on there were 100 but there were to much and then we had to make it and we had to talk about it and the we had to make it and the and then we had to start it and we had to write them down adn then we had to add something and then we were done.

Egg and Spoon

This week for inquiry we went to the hall and we went to play all the game that we had to make and then when we got there we had to start the game and we went to play it the first game that we play was a team my team did egg and spoon for that we had to use them but not make it like that game we had to use them and we had to make it and we had to talk about the game if you the egg went off the spoon you were out and you had to wait till the game was over and the last team standing win the game and then we went to the next game.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Ki O Rahi

LI. learn about how to play the proper ki o rahi.
This week we wne tot kiwi sport and for that we had to go andwe had to sit down and we had to wait till the teacher told us to do and w ehad to get tags and we had two team they were yellow and then other one was red.And we had to make it and we had to do it and we went to play the game one person kick te ball and the team out side and to get the ball out and they had to to then run and they had to try and get a scoore and then the team it the middle had to try and get the ball and put it in the middle and then the people it the middle and we had to make it and then we had to get it and then we were done.


This week we went to the hall and we talk to a cop.And we leran Abuse and what Abuse means.that when you are done you have to talk about Abuse and we had to make it and we have to talk about Abuse and we had to make it and we went to the hall and we had to start to go and put something on the wall and then we got thhing andwe had to go to the one that we thing it is and then we had to blog it and then we had to make it and then we had to blog it and then we were done.


We had to get a blog post and we had to out it on this DLO we had to do it and we had to make it and we had to make it and we had to make it and we had to make it and we had to put it on the word and we had to make and w ehad to make it and we and we had to put in on the dlo and we had to get that on it and then we had to get it done and blog it.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Kiwi Can

This week we went to kiwi Can.the first game that we played was Oppasite for that we had to do the Oppasite of what the teacher said and we had to do this and when she told us to put our hands in the air we had to put them to the ground and when she said move back you ad to go frond and then we had to talk about what we did and then we got on to the activity and we had to play it or the activity we played commad and conger for that we had to start it for that someone went to the teacher and had to get them to tell them something for that we had to come ack and tell us what the teacher told them and then we were done.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019


This week for math we had to make a flipgrid for hat we had to talk about tens and onehundreds and for that we had to make a flipgrid talk about what we did and what we had to do we had tp make a flipgrid so that we hcna tell what we did and we had to make a grids and help us to learn big number and we had to start it and then we had to do the flipgrid but we had to do the grids first when we were done we had to start on the flipgrid and then we had to make it and we can chage what we look like and put it like what we want it to look like and then we had to get the link and then we were done.

Friday, 8 March 2019

SSR selfie

This week we had to do SSR selfie.For SSR selfie we had to make a thing and then we had to write down what the book is about.

Actions and emotions

L.I to identify actions and factors
This week we did a t chat and a we had to make this for that we had to do good and bad and it was for your team and when you did something bad that will not make you win but when you work as a team you can win games we ha dto make these and for that we had to go on a thing and then we had to start and put word dwown and we had to write them for that and then we had to go to the mat and we had to talk about it and then we had to start on the body and for that we had to put word that don,t help your team and word that do help your team and then i was done.

Thursday, 7 March 2019


This week i did a comment on aein about his Muisc and i said that i like it and i asked him does he get his work done a lot?.

Ki O Rahi

L.I to learn the role of kioma
This week we went to Ki O Rahi.We had to go out to Ki O Rahi Today and for Ki O Rahi we had to play game we all got a go of kicking a ball and then we went in to the game and then we started to play we had 4 game and we like to play them we had to run around and touch all of the thing that you had to go pass and then we had to go and start and then we went to play when you were in the water you had to try and hit the middle when the other team was running around you had to hit it and when you hit it they will have to start there.


L.I to make Better Sentence
This week for Writing we had to make a Sentence.And we had to try an make it better and better and we and to make a bad Sentence and make it in to a really good Sentence and we had to change word and we had to try and make the word better the ones we had to use were,When,where,how,why and a adjective and they were the ones that we had to use to change the word and we had to change the Sentence to make them look better and to want people to want to read there Sentence and say they are good.And we had to add arrow to show what they were about.

basic facts

This week we did basic facts and we had to blog it and we had to do it to get good at the math that we do i like the math that we do and and then we and to blog the work and then we had to write the math down and then we had to blog it.

Explore Reading Strategies

L.I To identify the different strategies we use as readers.
This week for reading and for reading and for that we had to make two poster about what we did and we had to make them about what we did we had to do two thing they were Questioning and Building Vocabulary.And we had to make a side to tell people about what to do and then we ha dto make it so people can see how to use Questioning and Building Vocabulary and then we had to make a poster about each one and then we had to blog the work.


This week for Muisc we went to Muisc.We had to play a a song when the people were with the teacher.we got to play what we like and then we had to play what we like and we had listen to songs and we went to MuiscAnd we went had we had to play the xylophone and then the people on the piano abd then we learnd about how to play the xylophone and then we had to play and then some people went outside to tart to do it and then we had to go on the piano and then we ot free time to play it.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

How to tell the time

This week we had to tell the time and we had to make a poster for math and then we had to teel how to tell time and we had to tell the time and we had to make a poster nad we had to tell about how to make and clock and then we had to make the poster to show people how to tell the time and then we had to make the poster na then we had to make it and then we had to wirte down about how to tell time and to tell people how to make a poster about clock and then we had to make it and then we had to tell then how to make then and how to tell time and then we had to do some clock to show then the time and then we had to blog it.

Kiwi Can

L.I To paris other people
This week we did kiwi can.We went to kiwi And we had to go in side and we had to lisin to the teachers and then we went outside rock,paper,scissors and we had to go outside and we had to start and play the game and for the game we had togo to someone and we had to start we had to go to some and we had to start and then we had to rock,paper,scissors and then if you win you have to run away for the person and the person that lost had to turn around and they had to touch the ground and then they had to try and get you had then they can give up when they want to then we went to the next game and then next game was footkick and for that we got in to teams and we had a attacker and  Defender you had to try and get the ball and you have to try and get it and then you had to chuck it at someone that was runing and then we had to get in team when we were we had then kick the ball and if theygot you they had to go back and they had to wait till the next round. 

How to write a blog post

L.I To write a succinct blurb for a blog post
This week we learned about how to make a blog post.We had to learn how to make a blog post we had to sit down by the teacher and he will tell us what to do and then we had to do a blog post and we had to write about what we did we had a explain the explain that we did was Care awards and we had to write a blog that used what you learned,how you learned and what you did.we had to do a blog post and we had to write it down and this are the thing that we were not alone to use,we got into group,For Cybersmart we did,Today we learned and that what we had to try not to put in the blog post.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Ki o Rahi

L.I To Learn how to play the Taniwha Role 
This week we did kiwi sport for that we had to do challenges we had to do 3.
This week we went to kiwi sport for that we had to do challenges for the challenges we had to start to first one.ANd for that they were lot and we had to do the Taniwha Role and for that we had to do that and we had to finsh it off and then we had fun playing the game and then we had to tell them about what we did for Taniwha Role we had to all go it to the same team and we had to and we had to make it and then we had to play ki o rahi and then we went went to have a game and then we went back to class.