I was in Year 6 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I was in Learning Space 1 and my teachers were Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie.
Friday, 31 May 2019
This week we did cybersmart and for that we had to make a meme and we ahd to have a partner to do it with and this is for cybersmart.
LI- To Build Vocabulary
LI- To build expressionThis week we did a play and we had to get recoed from the teacher and he use his phone. we had to have a game of who was going first and who was going last and then we had to start my group went last and then we had to do the play in fornt of the reading groups and then we ahd to start the play and we had to go up and we had to act out the reading pay and we had to act it out and then we had to start and go out of the play when we were done and then we had to blog it.My Reflet was that we had to do them not in a nomal voies and we ahd to all act out and we ahd to act the play we did we had to do 2 play and we had to do them in mnot the same week and then we had to do them in a act we had to do one it the class and one out side the class and then we had to do the play but the first play that we did was wildlife that was a play that people had to go in to the middle.
Kiwi Sport
This week we did Kiwi Sport and out teacher was steve and he told us what to do at first we got to get a ware up and then we had to start and try and do everything but i miss out of 1 of then there were too much person on it so i wentto the next one so that i can do them all and then we had to blgo the post after we ahd dne it we had to go around on every one but we had to start what we were doing and then we had to go back to class when the bell rang.
Kiwi Sport
This week we had to do this and we had to get into a partner and everynody got one but me so i had to make this by myself andi had to maketi and then i had to show the teacher what i had done and then we ahd to do te thing and the bottem and then we had to do it so that we can blog it and we had to make this with you partner and then you had to show the teacher what you did and he will tell you to blog it.
This week for maths we had to do three pages and we ahd to do they so that we can blog it and i had to go to a group that was not mine and i had to wrok with them because of my other group will not let me do any work i got move so that i can learn and we had startand we ahd to do them all they were on the silde that we did and we had to do this so that we hcan blog it and we had to do then just this one and then we had to blog it.
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
This term for inquiry we have been focusing on the topic Space. This week we did our second rotation. Previously I have been with Mr Olgivie. Currently I am with Mrs Anderson. Previously we have been learning about the planets in our Solar System. We collaborated, while completing this activity. To complete this activity we built our prior knowledge, by writing notes down about what we already knew. We then actiavted onto our prior knowledge, by watching a video.
Finding information,
Prior Knowledge,
Friday, 24 May 2019
this week we did Volume for maths and this is what we didi we ahd to make this poster and we had to make a silde to and we had to make it for maths and then we ahd to go and had to doVolume.Volume is something ifyuo put something in water the water will go up and it will make water go up but if you take itout it will go back to how it was and then we had to make this this is a poster that we had to put with the sildes and w ehad to make this after to slides and then we had to put them on the blog and then blog it.
basic facts Boxes
This week we did basic facts Boxes and for that we had to do this and then we had to blgo the work that we did the work that we did was basic facts Boxes.
basic facts
This week we did Kiwi Sport and we wne tot the halll and we ahd to leran about gymnastics and wehad to do gymnastics and forr that we had to get it to our groups and then we had to go arond and around we had to start on the same one that we did last week and then we had to start you had to try and go oneverything you had to try and not miss one and then we had to go on and move i like all of then but i did all of them and they were not that hard.
Kiwi Sport
This week we did Writing we had to make this and this tells about how to make chocolate and this is what you need to make it and it is reallly nice and when you are done you can eat it and it willl be nice to eat and you have to blog it and we had to blog it and then we were done then we can blog it.
Space Travel
this week we did Space Travel and for that we had to make this and we had to do this so that we can blog it and we had to test out the 3 rocket that we did the number 4 one was the best it went really far and that how far it went it went far than the teachers and then we had to wirite down how far they went and then we had to start and then we had tostart and we had to then blog it.
Space Travel
What is patupaiarehe/Fairy People
This week we did What is patupaiarehe and we had to do this so that we can do it for maori and we had to do this and for this we had to blog this we were alond to chooes what one to do and then we had to make this and then we had to blog it.
Fairy People,
What is patupaiarehe
Fomal And infomal Language
This week we did we Fomal And infomal Language and for that we had to do this and for this we had to make a copy and we hadto make this for Fomal And infomal Language and we had to sit on themat and get in to a group of 4 and then the teacher write down word and we had to try and say if there were Fomal Or infomal and then we had to go on this and we had to start this and we had to blog this.
Fomal And infomal Language
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
This weeek we did reading and for that we had to do a side and on it it said that we need to make a flipgrid and then we had to go and we had to make it after bogging and then w ehad yto make this for this week and we had to blog this and we had to tmake it and then we had to blog it and then we had to go on flipgrid and then we had to say what we did and then we had to watch tihs and then w ehad to make this andwe had to put in on the blog.
This week we went to Stardome and for that we went there and then we had to go on the bus and then we had to go there and then we had to get off and then we had to go in to this room and then they told us about the solo and that was a big place where all the plants where and then we had to go and we had to do a quirt we had to get in to a group of 5 and then we gota eyepad and then w ehad to go around and ee had to try andget alll the thing right and then we had to go in this room and we had to look up and it was really cool and then we had to watch the thing and after that we went bakc on the bus and when back to school.
Kiwi Can
L.I Doing things without being asked.
This week we went to kiwi can and we went to there to have fun and leran about kiwi can we went there and weplay two game and they were fun games we had to go and we had to start tot play we played pass the thing and for tha we had to pass around keys and we had to try andnot let the middle person find it and we had to pass it around the person that gotpick hadto go inthe middle every if they did not have the keys and then we ahd to leran about what is Responsibility and we had to leran about it and then we had to go onto the nextgame and that was a games that you had to see if you can go and try and go to the window with not droping the ball and you then hadto go around and try not to drop the balll and then we had to play game that we will away play and then we did the pionts and then wewent back to class.
This week we went to kiwi can and we went to there to have fun and leran about kiwi can we went there and weplay two game and they were fun games we had to go and we had to start tot play we played pass the thing and for tha we had to pass around keys and we had to try andnot let the middle person find it and we had to pass it around the person that gotpick hadto go inthe middle every if they did not have the keys and then we ahd to leran about what is Responsibility and we had to leran about it and then we had to go onto the nextgame and that was a games that you had to see if you can go and try and go to the window with not droping the ball and you then hadto go around and try not to drop the balll and then we had to play game that we will away play and then we did the pionts and then wewent back to class.
Friday, 17 May 2019
This week we did Forces and that was for inquiry and for this we had to go and do this and we had to try and do this and we had to do this and we and to show the Teacher and we had to then blog it but beofore we did that we had to start and blog and we had to get it done beofre we went to blog it and we had to blog it and wwe had to do it with your group and you had to do it and you had go try and get it done and then you had to blog it.
For cybersmart we had to do a coment on someone and we had to do what ever was on the borad and we had to choes someone to do it on and i chose the first person we had to to do all the thing that you need in a comment and we had to then blog the comment that we did on the person and then we were done.
This weeek we did writing and for that we had to do cause and effect and we had to do that so we can goet the word done and we had to do this for writing and we had to make this and we had to do 10 and then we had to show the teacher and we had to try and get it done and then we had to blog it but before that we had to do this and we had to try and get it done for writing and we had to do it and then we had to try and get it done and we had to show the teacher and then we had to blog it when he said to blog it.
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Kiwi Sport
This week we went to hall to do some stretches and we went there to do gimnasick and for that you had to get in to a gorup and then you had to go and sit by some thing andf then when he said go you had to start and you had to try and go on alll of the thing you were not alone to not miss if you did it was ok but then he ask and the when we had a go and all of the thing but we had to go in groups and we had to go on the things one by one.And then we hads to go on the next one when the teacher told us to we ad like 10mins on each one and we had to go around clockwise and then we had to g around till we have done all of them.
then we had to go one when we want but you got to go on one tnat you pick and then we had to go around and arond till we had to mov eon to the next one and we had to play on as much as you wanrt how many times you want but you had to choes if you want to go on it or not and if you can,t and there were two many people you had to go on somethingselse tilll there was not that much people there but i got a ture on every thing but the walll stand you had to walk up and you had to take one foot and that was hard and then we had to go on every thing else.
And now im going to tell you about when we move we had to go arond and we had to do lot of thing on the first one and beam was the first one that i did and there were box and berc and they were the other two thing that i had to go on and you had to make it we had like 10mins on each one and i had lots of un and we had to then go on to the next one.then we went on the one that one had more than the other on and we had to do a jump and then we had to go in to a star and there was one that you had to do a backroll and then there was a last one and for that you had to do the last one and that was a handstand and then we had to go and sit in the middle and we had to say thanks to the teacher and hes name was steve.
then we had to go one when we want but you got to go on one tnat you pick and then we had to go around and arond till we had to mov eon to the next one and we had to play on as much as you wanrt how many times you want but you had to choes if you want to go on it or not and if you can,t and there were two many people you had to go on somethingselse tilll there was not that much people there but i got a ture on every thing but the walll stand you had to walk up and you had to take one foot and that was hard and then we had to go on every thing else.
And now im going to tell you about when we move we had to go arond and we had to do lot of thing on the first one and beam was the first one that i did and there were box and berc and they were the other two thing that i had to go on and you had to make it we had like 10mins on each one and i had lots of un and we had to then go on to the next one.then we went on the one that one had more than the other on and we had to do a jump and then we had to go in to a star and there was one that you had to do a backroll and then there was a last one and for that you had to do the last one and that was a handstand and then we had to go and sit in the middle and we had to say thanks to the teacher and hes name was steve.
Kiwi Sport
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
This week we did reading And for that we had to make this and then we had to get the people that we wanted to be and then wehad gto go and first the sides and there where 2 and for that we had to make the silde but we had to wirte down for and we had to make this so that we kow what to do and the 2 one s this we had to do the lines and we had to type the words down and we had to right the persong that we are going to do and for reading we had to make this and we had to do it for the task and we had to do it do it for the teacher and i was in Mr Ogive groups so that why i had to do this and i had to make it.
This week we did Maori and we had to make a doc and we had to make it last weenk so that we can wirite more on the doc and we had to wirite about the book but we had to read the book first and we got it read to us and then we went and make it and then this week and we had to do it so that we can make it and then we had to get read aonther book by the teacher and then we had to go and we had to do a blog post about Maori
Kiwi Can
L.I To use Integrity and honesty
This week we went to kiwi can and we had to go and we had to have fun we leran about honesty and Integrity and first we had to play a game called bang if you called out someones name they will have to go down and then the people next to them willl have to shoot the other person on the other side of the person that got there name called out and to stay down and then they had to shoot but the first person that said bang wins but the other person and to go in the middle and call ot someone elses name.And then we tak about being honest to other people and not lieing to others and that what we had to talk about and then we went on to the next game and for that we play this game and we had to get a patner and for that we had to pick and then you had to action it out but the teacher had to say something and then they had to make it like that.
This week we went to kiwi can and we had to go and we had to have fun we leran about honesty and Integrity and first we had to play a game called bang if you called out someones name they will have to go down and then the people next to them willl have to shoot the other person on the other side of the person that got there name called out and to stay down and then they had to shoot but the first person that said bang wins but the other person and to go in the middle and call ot someone elses name.And then we tak about being honest to other people and not lieing to others and that what we had to talk about and then we went on to the next game and for that we play this game and we had to get a patner and for that we had to pick and then you had to action it out but the teacher had to say something and then they had to make it like that.
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Patupaiarehe and the Mountains
L.I To learn the geography of aotearoa
L.I To identify what patupaiarehe are
Mnuot maunganui is a Mountain in taurango.The hunua and waitakere ranges are mountains in Auckland. patupaiarehe are fairies that lived on these mountains in Maori myths.
I learned about the Patupaiarehe and mountains by listning to two stories The legend of mauao and Turehu wars.I learned where the Mountains are by looking on google maps.
L.I To identify what patupaiarehe are
Mnuot maunganui is a Mountain in taurango.The hunua and waitakere ranges are mountains in Auckland. patupaiarehe are fairies that lived on these mountains in Maori myths.
I learned about the Patupaiarehe and mountains by listning to two stories The legend of mauao and Turehu wars.I learned where the Mountains are by looking on google maps.
Myths and legends
Kiwi Can
This week we did kiwi can we went there and we had to paly two games they were easy games.And the game that we did was 3 sport and that was a game that you had to do 3 sport and they were boxing and basketball and karate and they were the ones that yo had to do and if you did the same thing you had to sit down and then we went on to the next game and then next game was role pay in that we had to tell the true and for that we had to go and role play and we had to do this video and this was the one for our group.
kiwi can
Friday, 3 May 2019
SSR selfie
This week we had to do SSR selfie and we had to make this but we had to do it and we had to blog it and put it on blogger.
SSR selfie
This week we did Salling and we had to make do this and it was a trip and then we had to go and then we had to put the boat and then we ahd to go and we had to go around the water and then we had to try and do it and then we had to make it ad then we had to go far in the wter we were about to fall out we and my team mate but we did not and then i try to go n the other boat and i fell off in to the water and then we were done.
This week we did commenting and we had to do it so that we can do it and then we ha dto blog the work.
This week we did Maths we had to make this and w ehad to do parts and place value and we had to make this and w ehad to do number with four number and we had to make it but we had t make this and we had to do it before and then i had to wirte and then i had to try and make it and i had to do this thing that we did.
This week we did Writing and i had to go and i had to make this and i had to do this a and the one i did was simple,Complex,Compound and they are the word i had to make this and i had to show the teacher and i had to do it and i had to make it and then we had to make this and then we had to start and we had to do work and we had to do all of them and then we had to make it so that we had to do writing.
This week we did Reading we had to make this about he play that we are going to play and we are going to do it in a group and the group we did it in was the group for reading and i had a group and i had to do a play we are going to do it in 2 week and we had to do this for the play and we had to do te other side with no one else and we and we had to do a play in the 2 next week and we had to do it and the paly that we hre going to do and the play that we did was wildlife and it had people that went to the forst.
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